Indian Head Massage

Autumn dates start in September 2024
(contact me for more details)
My Level 3 Indian Head Massage course taught at Ali’s Holistics is comprehensive and practical. This Level 3 Indian Head Massage qualification course covers Anatomy, Physiology, and Business Essentials All my courses are taught to the highest standards maximizing your learning outcomes. This Level 3 Indian Head Massage training course is fully approved and accepted by The Federation Of Holistic Therapists (The FHT)
Description: Ali’s Holistics is pleased to offer you the Level 3 Indian Head Massage training course online and for the practical session at a venue of mutual agreement.
Title: Level 3 Certificate Indian Head Massage
Recognised: This course is recognised and approved by the Federation Of Holistic Therapists (The FHT)
Cost of the Course: The cost of this course is £150
Payment Method: Payments can be made via PayPal, bank transfer or by calling the Ali’s Holistics office on 07773702942 Contact the office or email to arrange a date and time to start the course by mutual agreement or to join a pre-arranged date.
Duration: You will attend a total of 20 hours of blended learning with online and practical elements required to perform a professional Indian Head Massage, including 3 observed treatments and a multiple-choice paper plus 3 x 3 case studies.
Once you have successfully completed, you will receive a level 3 Certificate in Indian Head Massage. Please see the COVID-19.
Venue: Online and practical venue by mutual agreement
Brief: This Level 3 Indian Head Massage training course taught by Ali’s Holistics. You will study and gain the knowledge of the principles of an Indian Head Massage, and you will learn the benefits and techniques of Indian Head Massage and be given the knowledge to understand how this treatment works.
This course is available for complete beginners with no previous experience. Applicants must be 18 years or over. Basic computer skills will be an advantage, as your portfolio will be completed online.
We will study the theory of this subject via the online platform Zoom and screen sharing at times and dates/days by mutual agreement of convenience.
Ali’s Holistics will give you as much Zoom and email support as needed to make sure that you are competent in this therapy.
Please note that Ali’s Holistics will always follow the guidelines set by the UK Government and recognised Professional Association.
Level 3 Indian Head Massage Certificate Course – more details
This Level 3 Indian Head Massage Certificate training course taught by Ali’s Holistics is comprehensive and practical. This Level 3 Indian Head Massage course is a great foundation to start your career as a Holistic Therapist. Indian Head Massage is applied to the upper back, upper arms, and head and neck areas. The methods are designed to promote relaxation, relieve stress-related muscle tension, and improve the blood flow in the head and neck areas. As the treatment can be performed without the removal of clothing, it is commonly used on airlines, in offices, and in the workplace, particularly where there are stressful situations or physical problems arising from the continuous use of computers. This treatment can be also used as taster sessions at events and exhibitions.
During the course we will cover the following topics:
- Provide Indian Head Massage – preparing the treatment are and the client for treatment
- Massage movements and mediums
- Aftercare
- Health, safety and hygiene for therapists
- Knowledge of anatomy, physiology for therapists
- Business practice for therapists
- The principles and practice of a massage therapist
- Legislation and working practices
- Client consultations including contraindications and restrictions
- Good practice and legal obligations
- Equipment and products
Course information
Qualification gained: Level 3 Indian Head Massage Certificate
Course Recognised: This course is recognised and approved by the Federation Of Holistic Therapist (The FHT)
Course Pre-requisites: There are no pre-requisites for this training course. This course is available for complete beginners. Applicants must be 18 years or over.
Class Size: A maximum of 8 learners per class, this allows the tutor to monitor individuals progress and development.
Manuals and Certification:
At present training manuals will be downloadable to each learner via email before starting the training course. These manuals will be available to download for 60 days once your course has started. It will be the student’s responsibility to download and save the training manuals within this time. Manuals can be read on all devices.
Learning Outcomes and Evidence of Achievement:
Learners will be required to show achievement of a range of relevant learning outcomes and assessment criteria, as set by the NOS and Accrediting Body by:
- Practical assessments and theoretical knowledge will be assessed during your training time
- You will be required to provide 3 observed treatments for assessment
- 9 case studies – this is made up of 3 clients having 3 treatments each
- You will also complete a multiple-choice paper
Once you have successfully completed, you will receive level 3 Certificate in Indian Head Massage.
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to register with the Federation of Holistic Therapists. (FHT)
Dates, Bookings, and information:
Please contact the office and Ali’s Holistics to chat about the date and time to start your training.